About FESA


Foundry Equipment and Supplies Association, FESA was founded in 1925 at the height of the foundry industries development in Great Britain.

Its principal goal was to bring together suppliers of products and equipment who could support the foundry industry in the UK to be the most advanced in the world.

FESA members developed technology in materials and equipment to ensure that the UK foundry sector was the best in the world.

FESA – Our Story


As the industry developed and the geography of casting production changed, FESA changed too creating an association that could continue to support excellence in technology but providing it to businesses around the world.

The British Foundry Exhibition was a key part of the FESA and industries calendar showcasing the services and products of its members to the global industry, but as the foundry industry in the UK became more specialised the focus has moved to attending international exhibitions on all continents, promoting FESA members and presenting technical papers to highlight that the UK is still at the forefront of foundry technology.

Industrial Welder With Torch



FESA continues to represent some of the worlds best businesses who represent the major UK industry and as it approaches 100 years of providing these services, it is just as relevant today as it was at the beginning. In fact in some respects, more so as the nature of technology and digital connectivity makes support and supply more accessible to the global marketplace.

The President, who serves a 2 year tenure, is selected from the council who in turn are elected from the member companies, giving the association a dynamic and industry specific focus in its plans and strategies for the future.



Contact FESA to find out about the benefits of being a member